For the highest efficiency (~99%) in a PFC stage the only practical implementation is the Bridgeless Totem-Pole Topology. This is a hard-switching topology and 650V SJ FETs are not suitable for this application. The only other two options are GaN or SiC.
ICERGi has developed proprietary technologies in Gate Drive, Digital Control and Multilevel to make Si MOSFETs a viable and competitive option for highest efficiency PFCs. These are packaged in an easy-to-use Digital Power Module which significantly speeds up PFC design.
Fig. 1 below illustrates the efficiency improvement and loss savings for a 1kW PFC as compared to an existing market solution. ICERGi solution provides a consistent 1.6% - 1.8% efficiency boost and an average of 56% reduction in loss over the full operating range.
A PFC design with the ICERGi Digital Power Module requires less filtering, uses a 4x smaller inductor and a has a 50% lower loss. Fig. 2 below, highlights key areas of cost reduction.